The requirements for membership are simple:
Take a Membership Class; this course is designed to help you learn what you need to know about Second Parish and Unitarian Universalism while getting acquainted with church leaders in a small group setting.
Sign the membership book in the presence of the minister or the clerk.
Receive your voting privileges by a vote of the Leadership Board.
It is expected that members make a pledge of financial support for the coming year and pay something toward that financial pledge (there is no minimum pledge requirement).
If you wish to learn more about becoming a member of Second Parish, please contact our minister, Rev. Stephanie Shute Kelsch, or the chair of the Membership Committee, Jane Shute.
Second Parish is supported by a dedicated group of members and friends. Although we are affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association, Second Parish in Hingham is its own corporation managed by the members of the church. We own our own building, call our own minister, plan our own programs, raise all necessary funds to run the church and make all major decisions as a congregation through a democratic process, usually at our Annual Meeting held each June.
Any person over the age of 18 who desires to become a member of Second Parish and who is in harmony with our purposes, covenant and mission statement may become a member. It is expected that members will contribute their time, talent and treasure to the life of the church, as their means and abilities allow.